
Hildegard Weber-Lipsi (1901–2000)

Hildegard with stick puppets in Chevilly-Larue,1959, photo Gabrielle Beck-Lipsi

I wanted to say a few words about Hildegard Weber’s paintings - but they are so subtle that any phrases, however delicate, would spoil their charm. Their soulful fragrance must be inhaled rather than analysed. 

Herny Heyraut,
french painter, 1937

These superior paintings excite and bewitch us: they have a power inherent only in great, authentic art.

Horst Appel,
collector and gallery owner,
Frankfurt, 1975


1901 born in Wädenswil at the lake of Zürich, studies in Zürich until 1921    
1922 Studies paintings in Zürich with Willy Hummel
1923/24 Studies at the scool of Arts in Karlsruhe
1925 Studies in London and Paris
1927 Meets Morice Lipsi, they move together in an artist city at rue de Vanves 172, Paris.
1930 Marriage, birth of Verna
1933 They move to an old farmhouse in the south of Paris, birth of Jeanine.
Painting landscapes, stil lifes, portraits until 1948, initially she had also made small sculptures
1937 Intensive studies of puppet play. Made more than 120 stick puppets, especially for performances in Théâtre du Prisme, Paris. Gold medal at the Paris World's Fair.
1939 The marionettes were to be shown at the Swiss Landesausstellung 1939 in Zurich, but the impending world war made this impossible.


World War II. She fled to Switzerland with two daughters, separated from Morice Lipsi, who was getting himself to safety in Abzac (Charente) in 1941. She resided in Zürich. Birth of Gabrielle.
From 1943 she resided in Goldbach-Küsnacht at the lake of Zürich until the end of her life.
After the war, the family commuted between Zürich and Paris.  Morice and Hildegrad had her own atelier in both locations.
1950 Style of École de Paris of The nineteen- fifties, towards abstraction
1953 Pastel drawings, landscapes.
1958 Spontaneous drawings and sketches out the window of the moving car or train, refurbished at home.
1963 Travel to Japan with Morice, when he was invited to participate in an international symposium of sculptures. Hildegard was deeply inspired by the Japanese culture and art, by landscapes and events, Japanese festivals, fireworks. She became free from the dusky colors of École de Paris.
In 1966 a considerable part of her work was destroyed by an attic fire in her house in Küsnacht.
From then on Hildegard only used vibrant colors and she indulged in various color combinations. Lively inspiration by the theme of carnival, in particular the masquerade ball of Zürich congress hall, which she attended, followed by her numerous paintings of masked persons.
From 1968 the theme of balloon flights occupied Hildegard for years. She was reading the book of engineer André who had perished in the pack ice of the North pole.
She drew various scenes of balloons floating over invented landscapes entitled by her. Other subjects came up. Faces, mountains, fireworks and more. Periodically she was inspired by these topics until old age.
1970 The illness of her daughter Jeanine and her dedicated care from now on hindered her completion of large oil paintings. dimensions. So she spedialised in drawings and small forma aquarelles, which she was able to finish very quickly. This situation still  continued after the death of Jeanine in 1983, as now she had to take care of Morice with the same dedication during his last years.
Only after his death in 1986 the dialogue between artists came to an end.
Renewed blossoming of her success, with exhibitions in Switzerland, Paris, Frankfurt and Tokyo. There were also oil paintings again..
In the late nineteen-eightieth she developed a spontaneous new  technique of painting by dipping the Chinese ink block into the water and working with it directly on China paper, depicting signs or faces in seconds.
Incredibly productive period until her eyesight failed her more and more, Around the age of 96 she had to give up painting completely.
2000 death in Küsnacht, two months before the centenary birthday.

Solo exhibitions

1930 Kunstsalon Dr. Störi, Zürich, Moryce Lipszyc: Plastik, Ernst Denzler, Gemälde, Grafik, Hildegard Weber: Kleinplastik

1955 Galerie Palette, Zürich, Hildegard Weber und Michael Grossert       

1958 Galerie Palette, Zürich, mit Morice Lipsi

1964 Galerie Appel & Fertsch, Frankfurt a/M

1988 Garten am Wenkenpark, Riehen, Petit Montmartre de 5 à 7

1988 Galerie Pierre Rippstein, Basel

1988 Höch Huus, Küsnacht

1989 Galerie Appel & Fertsch, Frankfurt a/M

1989 La Galerie, 67, rue Saint André des Arts, Paris

1989 Galerie Konoha, Tokyo

1990 Musée Morice Lipsi, salle Hildegard, inauguration, Rosey, France

1991 Galerie Pierre Rippstein, Basel, élan vital

1995 Musée Morice Lipsi, Rosey, Eröffnung des éspace Hildegarde

1996 Lycée E. Belin, Vesoul

2000 Musée Morice Lipsi, Rosey, hommage à Hildegard Weber-Lipsi pour son centenaire

2001 Galerie Frankengasse, Zürich

2021 Galerie Bromer, Zürich

Group exhibitions

1937 Exposition Universelle, Paris

1940 Musée Galliera, Paris

1947 Atelier Chichio Halller, Zürich

1958 Galeria d’Arte La Citadella, Ascona

1976 Galerie Apppel & Fertsch, Frankfurt a/M

1980 Galerie Appel, Kunst in der Fabrik, Zahnfabrik Bad Nauheim

1989 Helen Dahm Stiftung, Oetwil am See

1994 Galerie Konoha, Tokyo, Les beautés du Sumi, Tokyo


1927 Salon d’Automne, Grand Palais, Paris

1961 Salon de Montrouge, ligne 4, Montrouge

1962 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’art Moderne. Paris

1963 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris

1964 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris

1964 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Maison de la Culture, Namur

1965 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’art Moderne, Paris

1966 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris   

1968 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris   

1969 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris   

1971 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Vincennes 

1973 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Vincennes

1976 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Vincennes

1977 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral, Vincennes

1985 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Grand Palais, Paris

Publications, catalogues

Horst Appel, Hildegard Weber Lipsi, Frankfurt, 1964

Horst Appel, Hildegard Weber Lipsi, Frankfurt, 1975

Horst Appel, Hildegard Weber Lipsi, Ballonfahrten, Frankfurt, 1981  

Gabrielle Beck-Lipsi, Hildegard Weber Lipsi, Riehen, 1988

Pierre Rippstein, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Zeichen, Basel, 1991

Pierre Rippstein, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Gesichter, Basel, 1992               

Pierre Rippstein, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Berge, Basel,1993

Horst Appel, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Feuerwerke, Basel, 1995

Hans Jacob Beck, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Marionetten, Hinwil, 1997

Gabrielle et Hans Jacob Beck-Lipsi, Catalogue du Musée Lipsi à Rosey,1998          

Gabrielle Beck-Lipsi, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, das Kaleidoskop, Hinwil. 2004

De Gruyter, Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, München, 2021


Hana Ribi, Filmische Rekonstruktion der Aufführung von 1937, Paris, L’histoire du petit tailleur, Studio Jiří Trnka, Prag, 2001


Sud Magazine, Arts-lettres-voyages, nr.159, Artistes d’aujourd’hui, Hildegard Weber, Jan.-Feb.1937

Die Tat, Zürcher Kunstchronik, Max Eichenberger, 24.4.1947

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 27.4.1947

Die Tat, Zürcher Kunstchronik, Max Eichenberger, Zürcher Spiegel, Aufmarsch der Abstraktion, 21.2 1955

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Morgenausgabe Nr. 364, Ausstellung Galerie Palette, 11. 2.1955

Tageanzeiger, Kunstgalerien, Ausstellung Galerie Palette, Hildegard Weber und Michael Grossert, 9.2.1955

Volksrecht Nr. 38, In der Galerie Palette   R.S. 15.2.1955

Gazzetta Ticinese, Lugano, Gualtiero Schönenberger, Mostra alla Galeria «La Cittadella» di Ascona, 23.7.1958                                               

Tagesanzeiger, Zürcher Kunstgalerien, Galerie Palette Hildegard Weber und Morice Lipsi, 10.Januar bis 4. Februar 1958

Lettres Françaises, Arts, R. J. Moulin, DES REALITES toujours nouvelles…, April 1962

Frankfurter Rundschau, hr. Aus dem Mischwald, Querfeldein durch die Frankfurter Galerien, Galerie Appel , 15.10.1964

Basler Nachrichten, Sonntagsblatt, Hans Jörg Giesiger Die Malerin Hildegard Weber, 4.9.1966  

Zürichsee Zeitung, Lebendige Kultur, Hansjörg Gisiger, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, zum siebzigsten Geburtstag der am Zürichsee wohnenden Malerin, 27.1.1971

Frankfurter Neue Presse, GN. Farbe ist alles, Gang durch zwei Frankfurter Galerien GN. Gal. Appel & Fertsch, 2.5.1975

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, cvh. Hildegard Weber-Lipsi bei Appel und Fertsch, 6.6.1975

Zürichsee Zeitung Nr. 19,100 Marionetten, Hildegard Lipsi - Weber (Küsnacht) 80jährig, 24.1.1980

Riehener Zeitung, GB, Petit Montmartre, 9.9.1988

L’Alsace, Mifa Pivot.SM, Vendredi à Riehen, Petit Montmartre de 5 à 7, 21.9.1988

Riehener Zeitung, Renate Dürst (Betr. « Petit Montmartre») Starke Erlebniswelt im Bilde, 30.9.1988

Züri-See-Spiegel, Gabi Rosenberg, Hildegard Weber - Lipsi im Küsnachter Höch Huus, Mit unserem Jahrhundert gross geworden, 6. Jan. 1989

Annabelle, Gabi Rosenberg, Journal / Ausstellungen (Expo. Höch Huus), Äussere und innere, Welten, Nr. 2, 17.1.1989

Küsnachter Judith Atzemakis (Expo. Höch Huus), «Von Variationen bekomme ich nie genug», Erste Ausstellung in Küsnacht der 88jährigen Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, Nr. 3, 19.1.1989     

L’Alsace, Mifa PIVOT-SM. Hildegard Weber-Lipsi; Un kaléidoscope de 70 ans, d’aquarelles, d’huiles et de dessins, 20.1.1989

Zürichsee Zeitung, Region  (Betr. Expo. Höch Huus), Kaleidoskop der Lebensfreude, 23.1.1989

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Christa von Helmolt, (Betr. Expo. Gal. Appel & Fertsch,) Drei Meister von Format, 1.3.1989  

Main Echo (Bayern), (Betr. Expo. Gal. Appel & Fertsch,) Im Windschatten der Neuen Kunstmesse, ein Streifzug durch sechs Frankfurter Galerien, 10.3.1989

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, (betr. Teilnahme in der Helen Dahm Stiftung), Panoptikum regionalen Kunstschaffens, Ausstellung zum künstlerischen Wirken im Bezirk Meilen, 16. 5.1989

Diverse Zeitschriften in Japan

Mentions in books (regarding stick puppets)

2004 Lörinec làszlo BLATTNER 

2004 Metamorphosen / Hana Ribi «L’histoire du petit tailleur»

Authors of various articles

  • Max Eichenberger
  • Hort Appel
  • Hansjörg Gisiger
  • Roger van Gindertael
  • Pierre Joly
  • Ch. Gleiny
  • Guy Weelen
  • Mifa Pivot Smigielski
  • Gabi Rosenberg
  • Luzien Curzi
  • und Andere…